Purpose of life is defined as the reason for our existence
But not all of us find one.
Leaving most of us with a lot of questions.
The anti-aging cream sitting on the dressing table
Wonders how could her purpose be to eliminate the very sign of life
For the dead body never grows a day older, for aging is a sign that we are still alive.
Every time a bibliophile sniffs the pages of a new book
The perfume on his sleeves questions its purpose
When we wake up with a flash of blue light on our phone screens
The bright sunshine doubts it’s existence
The slides in the park have endless questions
Looking at the giggling kid with her video game
In the quietest hour of the night when we meet insomnia
Our dreams wonder where to go.
Every time we wake up hungover on our past memories
The wine in the bottle doubts whether she still matters.
When humans are engulfed with humanitarian crisis
Humanity is left questioning its very own existence.