“We are all lonely to different degrees,
We all feel like stones cast carelessly in uncaring seas,
We are all dealing with the slow feeling of sinking slowly into the deep”
-Arunoday Singh, Spoken Fest 2017
This is an excerpt from the poem that I came across a few days ago. To start with I never call myself lonely. I am blessed with loving family and friends. However, the above lines about loneliness still ring true for me.
There’s a beauty in everything that is lonely and empty. Whenever I have been left with no one but myself, whenever people have left me or exited from my life without a trace, I have always levelled up — both professionally and personally. Whenever I am left alone, I have learnt something new about myself and about the world around me. If I wouldn’t have been left with the emptiness that loneliness brings, I wouldn’t have been able to learn and grasp new things.
I guess to be truly lonely is not a curse but a boon. I wouldn’t have stepped out of my cage if I had a company there. I wouldn’t have done anything new if the people who left me still continued to be my muse. I guess it’s true what Arunoday says in his poem, ‘We are all made lonely by design’.
I guess we don’t have to find a cure for it, for it is the cure that we always seek.
Here are the lines from poem by Arunoday Singh, that will define my loneliness forever.
‘Loneliness-Our soul’s true Clarion call,
It’s where the words live dancing,
It’s where the art begins
Like Leonard Cohen says, It’s where the light gets in’’