Incomplete Piece
‘To be or not to be is the question’, said Shakespeare
A question we have all been toiling with for eternity
A question that keeps burning deep down
Even when we are cold on the surface
To be the light or to be the extinguishing force is the question
To be the sunshine or to be the darkest hour of the night is the question
To lead as an example or not to be part of the herd is the question
In trying to find the answers
We seek a safe haven
Somewhere in between
In between the light and the darkness we start existing within the grays
In between the brightest sunrises and the darkest nocturnal hours
we seek peace in the honey-stained skies of the twilight.
In between leading by example and dissolving in the herd
We diverge and isolate ourselves on a road less traveled
To be or not to be was never answered
The answers we were searching for
Were lying all along beneath the very questions
That sent us on this ride called life.