Happy Ending
Movies have often told us that if it’s not a happy ending then it isn’t the end.
Funny how we all grew up believing that
Until life knocked the wind out of us
We then carefully discarded our hopes
Drew curtains over our dreams
We emptied the bowl full of optimism and garnished it with some doubts and cynicism
The reality of life was a no longer happy ending
It was made of losses and heartbreaks
Of grief and pain
Movies we thought are unrealistic, they serve us only a spoon full of optimism
Hiding beneath it the harsh kickbacks
But, I refuse to believe that
The only reason we find those movies unrealistic is that we see our life’s complete reel within a few hours
When movies serve a dose of heart warming emotions in couple of minutes,
Life takes decades to show us the same
The long wait takes a toll on us and all those beliefs about happy endings
But we must know that it’s just a matter of time
We must believe that there’s always a happy ending
And till then the show must go on!