Green Leaves
Green leaves flickering in gorgeous shades of twilight
He looks at them intently only to turn and say, ‘I need to know more of you, I don’t even know your favourite cuisine, I don’t know anything about you’.
Thousand reasons, a thousand thoughts gush to my mind.
How do I tell him that there’s no way to know each other, there’s no way to know anyone
I wonder how to explain that my words that made him think weren’t on my mind a few months ago, That I was a completely different person 4 months ago.
That I liked Mexican instead of Tibetan and I am slowly acquiring a taste for Goan. How will he ever know what’s my favourite cuisine?
How do I tell him that we will never know each other completely
We can only know each other partially or momentarily.
We can’t wait to get to know each other completely
Because the only thing we can do is dissolve in this moment while we find ourselves, while we grow together
We are here not to wait it out and then become something
We were meant to meet each other right here, wherever we are in life
How do I tell him that no, we won’t get a second chance,
How do I tell him that he can never know more of me
Because I am evolving, changing every day and every time he meets me, he meets a different person.
How do I tell him that the next time we see the green leaves flickering in gorgeous shades of twilight, I won’t be the same person
What if then he turns back to me again and says, ‘I need to know more of you’,
Breaking my heart into million pieces.
I don’t say anything, I leave, leave forever, packing my thoughts in an artistic ensemble
But this time to watch the green leaves in gorgeous shades of twilight without him.