A Glitch in the Matrix
I was so sure that you were a glitch in my matrix
Seldom did I know that you weren’t a glitch but a necessary element
I realized that you are a part of my story as much as the stars, moon and this universe is
For you, too, just like all of them introduced me to myself.
They say love breaks you down only to rebuild you a little stronger
My well-wisher says I was not in love and I’d like to believe him
For I felt somewhere between love and infatuation for you
My feelings oscillated between
Going to the moon and back and then feeling nothing
I realized that you did not break me completely nor did I rebuild myself
But you did shuffle some pieces of my puzzle
And I rearranged them after you left.
My boss praises me for my attention to detail
After meeting you I regretted it
I remember the way you tilted your head
My heart still has a memory of the way you blinked
Now I ignore the details and seek refuge in reading between the lines that run parallel
Lines just like us that seem to go together but never merge.
A Buddhist monk says, ‘only when you accept and befriend your feelings will they leave you’
So, today I accept that every time I looked at you my heart skipped a beat
Today I befriend the way I was smitten with you
Because today, I yearn to leave you.